Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 24, 2017 "Reactions"

Reading Mosiah 13 during this past week.

This is where the prophet Abinadi was taken as a prisoner because he was preaching against the king and the people telling them about all the things they were doing and how they needed to repent. 
As he was telling them of these things that they were doing in V.8 he says "yea, and my words fill you with wonder and amazement and with anger."

The prideful sinners of the world get amazed and angered when they are told the truth. To the prideful sinners, the truth hurts. Only if we humble ourselves when the truth comes can we allow our lives to change and to be shaped the way we need them to be. But how we REact to the situation, or the truth preached against us, is what makes all the difference.

v.10 "but this much i tell you, what you do... after this, shall be as a type and a shadow of things which are to come."

However we choose to react to the trials and things that happen in our lives is what will determine the things which are to come. Our "decisions determine destiny."

Choose to be humble. When we need to make changes in our lives in order to be living within the church standards just do it. "Yesterday you said tomorrow." 

Love u,

Elder Fuchs

i dont have any pictures of me, but here are some pictures of the missionaries in my house.

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