Monday, August 8, 2016

August 8, 2016 Mr. LONELY

so my companion still hasn't arrived. he is stuck in the southern part of mozambique because of some documents that he needs to be able to travel up here. So because of that I'm walking with Elder Johnson who lives in the same house i do. it's just us 2 because he will also be training.. so what we have to do is just run around from his area to mine every day hahah so it's a little weird!

This week has been good though! Just excited to get my new comp. 
We got a new family to Church this week! Antonio and Maimuna. they are a referral from a different investigator family that is getting close to their marriage and baptism as well. he said that he usually can't make it to church on sundays because he has to work. 
so we asked if he could ask his boss for sundays off. he thought for a little, then it kinda just clicked in his head and he said that he would talk with him. 
Doesn't hurt to ask i guess!

in Elder Johnson's area we passed by a new family he met the other day to teach the Restoration, and it was very interesting what happened. the wife wasn't there at first but she walked in when we were talking about prophets back in the day and we asked if she would sit with us, and she hard core rejected and got pretty pissed, but since it's not the first time i've been rejected, we just carried on with the lesson. as we taught. i noticed she would sometimes stop what she was doing in the room and listen for a little bit.. then keep doing something around the house, and by the time we started talking about the great apostasy, she was sitting down in the chair with her husband. we asked a few questions to her and she just gave us dirty looks and didn't answer, but you could tell she was still interested because she stayed there. She stayed all the way until the end of the lesson. 
Now i'm not sure if she is going to accept the invitation to pray that she rejected at the end. but i know that regardless of what she said to us, she felt the spirit. 

How many of us are like this lady and feel the spirit strongly and even listen to it, but we are too prideful of hard-hearted to act on anything that we feel we should change or feel we should do? if we don't listen to the promptings of the spirit, the promptings will slowly become weaker and weaker and we will further distance ourselves from where God is trying to help us be. I know I do this a lot as well and can do better just as everyone else! so this week try and see what you can do better and act on what you feel!

Also i forgot the cord for my camera.. so.. can't send you guys any pictures this week!

Elder Fuchs

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