Africa is great. but something that sucks here is Lobola.

Lobola is ``the price of the bride``. It forces millions of people to not get married, and to live together with their girlfriend or boyfriend. The parents of the bride make the soon to be husband pay a certain amount of money to be able to marry the daughter. So as soon as you finish the payment then you have the parents ``blessing`` to get married. This tradition BLOWS! But.. it is a good way to find an elect family. If you can find people that are willing to try and convince the parents or to even legally get married without doing it, you know you have an elect family that God has prepared and softened for you to help them in coming into the lords church. It is always amazing seeing a family with the courage to do something so special and to make small sacrifices to get married. Most of the people here do not have all of the documents in hand that they need to get married so another obstacle for helping people get married is getting the documents.. all they need it an ID and their birth certificates. Seems like something so simple thinking about it back home its just something everybody already has! hahah but here most of the time that´s not the case... so make sure you tweet #endLobola2k16 to @DonaldTrump this week.

Maraza is an amazing area! this week we get to catch a plane down to Maputo, the capital, for a leadership meeting! where we are gonna have a nice little get together with the mission president and i think we even get a thanksgiving dinner! ....... oh yah...
Thats about it fam. Stay great! thanks for all the emails you guys send me friends and fam!
I´m thankful for you guys! have a great Thanks Giving!
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