This week went by kinda like the past few have, finding new investigators and families, trying to work with the ward mission leader and him not showing up, the energy going out randomly.
but there was a Particular thing that really was different.
We went to visit this family on saturday night, and talked with them and they mentioned that their landlord was very sick and weak because she was also like super old right?
We offered to give her a blessing, and i was the one who gave it. well.
i know what you're thinking. " She was HEALED!"
nope. we passed by the next morning to walk to church with them and they were having her funeral..
well i know i have some pretty strong faith, but all joking aside, i feel like it was what was supposed to happen! sometimes we see death as something terrible, and dreadful. but i see it as something amazing! we get to see our father in heaven! and receive all that he has in store for us!
it was a strange feeling but it was also great that i had after that:)
which reminds me about temple work! and how the temple can help strengthen and mature us spiritually! so that when the time comes, we will be ready!
also i got to play with a little monkey named Kingy. hes super cute and we got a little distracted for about an hour and missed our last lesson. but it was for a good cause! you dont get to play with a monkey everyday do you??
the answer is no.
great week! great times! making some great memories!
elder fuchs
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