it talks about faith. and for some of us faith can be something hard. especially because of the way it is described in verse 6 of the chapter, it says "that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen"
sometimes the fact that we can't see something makes us hesitant about trusting in it.
and so i really like how the rest of the same verse goes saying
"wherefore,dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith"
"wherefore,dispute not because
obviously faith is not a perfect knowledge of things, it requires us putting our trust and hoping in something that we are not 100% sure of but we have the hope that it will happen or that it is true.
but what is the point of having faith in something that we can't see? like jesus christ for example.. well reading verse 9 we can see that "wherefore, ye may also have hope, and be partakers of the GIFT, if ye will but have faith."
it is talking of some kind of gift. what kind of gift do we get through our faith in Jesus Christ though? well, there are tons of things, but focusing on what it says in this chapter in verse 12 it says "for if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith."
OH... snap.
No faith = No miracles.
and so that means god can't do miracles for us, he can't truly give us what we ask for in our prayers, or give us what we need, until after the trial of their faith.
We shouldn't be praying for things, we shouldn't be wanting god to show us miracles in our lives, unless we are ready to show our faith, unless we are ready to go out and do something ourselves about it. im not sure if i shared last time with you guys this quote, but it ways "pray as if everything depended on god, and work as if everything depended on you"
thats good stuff..
well have a good week! ill try and do the same here with my african homies.
Elder Fuchs
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