A record of the experiences of Elder Leo Fuchs as he serves the people of Mozambique in Africa, speaking Portugese. Elder Leo Fuchs is from Lehi, Utah and will serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for 2 years from August 2015-August 2017.
Monday, May 30, 2016
May 30, 2016 Sorry
well i dont have much to write this week! we had a great baptism and everything is pretty much like last week. hahahah sooo next week ill do better:)
Monday, May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016 WEEKS GOING BY
Everything is going super fast here on the mission, ive already been out for over 9 months and soon this next transfer it will be 1 year! then i'm on the way down.
Well this week flew by and some cool stuff happened!
we found out one of the new sweeet families we had found, are pastors for another church. so i guess that explains why they havent been showing up, and now i know what they meant when they said they have their OWN church. but hey that's what everyone says here.
also we were able to donate some food to this recent convert who pretty much had all the food and pans he had stolen. even though he didn't have much to begin with. this guy is a super good person. he was that older man we baptized a few weeks ago. he lives alone in a house that isnt even really a house, it is unfinished and doesnt even have any doors and the widows he covered with card board, everything is made out of cinderblocks,. We dropped off the food and he wasnt home from work yet, but we passed by later. as soon as we showed up he just started like making us some food and sandwiches and made us some tea, hahah it was the cutest thing, this guy had almost nothing, and as soon as he received some, he gave.
he is an example to me!
there are things you can only see and learn when you are on a mission.
so go on a mission and you'll see and learn what you would otherwise never know!
Elder Fuchs
Monday, May 16, 2016
This week went super well! first week having the ENTIRE area of Chamba in our hands.
but overall went pretty smooth, we were able to have 3 families at church so that was nice!
our investigators are overall progressing pretty well!
the area is nice, the food still sucks (probably because we cook our own)
but other than that. no worries here in the South East Coast of Africa!
i was reading a talk this week by my bro Pres. Monson, titled "Priesthood Power"
it goes for everyone though. it talks about how times have changed, but the Gospel has not. people may try to justify what they do just because others are doing it, but gods way don't change! he says we cannot subject ourselves to the things of the world that oppose the teachings and commandments of the church.
How can we find protection from these things that are continuously around us? we need a testimony of the gospel!
If you dont have a Testimony?
well get one. read the book of mormon and pray about it, pay your tithing.
The testimony of other people can only get us so far in life.
and when you do get a testimony make sure you keep it alive by continuing to obey the teachings, praying and studying the scriptures regularly, and obviously go to church.
then he goes on to talk about proper repentance and marriage.
buuuut in my reading this week i found a super dope scripture!
3 Nephi 5; 13
Behold i am a disciple of Jesus Christ the son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.
That's what it is.
Have a great week!
P.S I hit 9 months out this week!
Elder Fuchs
Monday, May 9, 2016
May 9, 2016 TRANSFER 7
well going into my 7th transfer now, almost 9 months out!
got to skype with my family, had a baptism (didnt fill it with a buucket this time), annnnnd now starting a new transfer.
they are taking a companionship out of our branch, so our area is about to double in size, and we have no idea where anything is.. so .. itll, be nice. #whitewash
in my personal study this week i was studying a talk in the liahona november 2015, the general conf. sesson, and i was reading a talk by elder Bennet and it talks about our next step.
Lots of love from Mozambique to my Utah-hoeans
Elder Fuchs
Monday, May 2, 2016
May 2, 2016 BUCKETS
This week baptisms went suuper smooth! there were more people that came to the baptism then like we've ever had at sacrament meeting hahaha
probably cuz there was about 20 people getting baptized..
we had to fill up the baptismal font from a well outside the chapel because the pump is broken! so we filled it up bucket by bucket for about an hour and a half or so.. hahah good experience?
also we were able to get a new family to church! (the husband was a little tipsy, but we're working on that) the wife is actually already a member, and they are working toward getting married and for him baptized, at the end of the month!! should be fun!
as for the rest of the week , everything went well! we werent able to email yesterday because of a holiday about work.. so no one worked.. ironic huh? thats how things work here in mozambique.. not too much makes sence! but its alright i guess! hahah
other than that not too much happened.. we did hitch hike last night and caught two different rides, both of which were drunk. we only found out after the car was already moving, so i think its okay. and one of them stopped to buy us cokes at a bar! nice guy.. i said he probably shouldnt be drinking and driving and he answered with "dont worry, with 21 years of driving ive never been in an accident like this!... well.. at least ive never killed anyone like this.."
so those words were almost just as comforting as the words in matthew 6:19-21.
talking about where our treasure is, is also where our hearts will be. and reading a talk in the liahona, talking about men and women and what we are measured by.. he said we are measured by what we value. so if we value the cheap, vulgar crap this world can offer.. well. what do you think your value is?? just as it is like that, if you value the things of God, the things that will matter in the future, for your families, for your loved ones, and for you personally spiritually. that is your value also.
so, love you guys and make sure you set some prorities and know what you value in your lives!
Cant wait to skype my family this saturday!!
Elder Fuchs
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