everything is good and we actually had a baptism last sunday... well kinda.
it was a family i was teaching in my last area that me and Elder Ence had found and taught, we knew they would get baptized but i got transferred so i didnt get to do the actual baptism. but THEY GOT BAPTIZED! thats what matters:) it was Comfort his wife Sithembile and his sister nothando:) their son will be baptized after the holidays!A record of the experiences of Elder Leo Fuchs as he serves the people of Mozambique in Africa, speaking Portugese. Elder Leo Fuchs is from Lehi, Utah and will serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for 2 years from August 2015-August 2017.
Monday, December 28, 2015
December 28, 2015 Christmas!
Monday, December 21, 2015
December 21, 2015 CHRISTmas
This week was dope.
there not tooo much that happened.
but a Family that Elder Ence and i were teaching got baptized and i got to go down and watch the baptism!!:)
it was freaking awesome!! #churchistrue.
i absolutely loved the christmas devotional although it made me trunky, or in other words to think about home for a bit.. i miss the snow man!!
but all is well. ill get over it in like 20 more months right??
we also had our christmas zone conference thing, and it was super fun and there was some reeeeaally good food so thats always nice:)
ill throw some pics of it up. also i was in the choir.. and they changed my name to Elder Bieber. had a solo and completely killed it. no worries fam.
everything is good and we are getting a family moving along in the process of getting married and Baptized as soon as possible! so we are hoping and praying to get them within the time of the transfer:) but if not, im sure the other missionaries will help them through it.
Other than that i REALLY miss soccer.. and everything about it. especially because the elders here are kinda boring and too lazy to go out and play soccer.. so i just have my own little practices in the morning with some bricks for cones and a basketball i found here.. so.. it great.
thanks for all the great emails this week friends and family:)
hope you all have an amazing Christmas, and a great rest of your week:)
also my camera is being dumb and im out of time... so no pics this week sorry..
Elder Fuchs
Monday, December 14, 2015
December 14, 2015 Got noooo Power
This week was great! we had some SWEET SWEET rain come down as a blessing for us. it was super awesome and we had a good time walking alllllllllll the way to the church in it.. which is only a few miles away:)
ill attach a video of me being awesome and playing in the rain:)
as for our food and stuff.. well its all gone kinda bad now because the power in our house has been out for the past few days!
other houses around have power so im confused as to why we don't.. but the nights that we havent had power it was nice and cool outside so we weren't dying!
this week not too much happened, just a lot of trying to find new people to teach, because the people we are teaching now arent too interested, and maybe its just not their time! so me and my companion elder avila have been knocking tonnns of doors and talking with many people! problem is, is that everyone is gone to their villages for the holidays!
But i know we'll find people to teach! just gotta work harder!
if you guys need help with desires to serve, or you wanna do more.
D&C 11:10-25 is absolute $$$
love you my friends and family!
thanks for the wonderful emails and pictures you send:)
Elder Fuchs
Monday, December 7, 2015
December 7, 2015 2K15 is coming to a close
This year went by fast.
this week went by suuper quick too!
soo funny story of the week is that, we have been teaching this part member family for the past couple weeks right, and turns out...
They are polygamists... so that's just great. now the kids have to wait probably until they are around 18 to be baptized unless authorized to do otherwise by the church.. but they do go to church every week and they bare their little testimonies, so i have no doubt that they will be baptized when the time is right..
but on the other hand we have had this couple we are working with, Luke and GuGu. they read the BOM everyday and know everything is true, but they arent married. so today we are sorting things out and getting their documents together so that hopefully if all goes right we can take them to the pool party we have in the chapel by the end of the month!
thanks for everyone who emailed me, and shared something to help me out! missions aren't easy, but i know it will make me better than i could ever be!
loving the work, just gotta work harder!
also i was reading in alma, and it has some of my favorite scriptures in there...
alma 5:26-28 + Alma 34:31,32,34
asks a question first, asking if we were to die right now, would we be ready to stand infront of God?
then it pretty much says if you aren't ready, check yourself.
soften your heart now, because we are preparing to meet god in this life. and when the days comes, and if you still havent accepted, then its too late.
so please, if you have any desire, if you are not sure about something.
Get on your knees in prayer until you are.
God loves us and wants to help us. you just have to be willing to open the door to let him in. don't wait!
love you guys and hope you all have an amazing week:)
Church is true.
Elder Fuchs
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