but this week was good we went to america. meaning there were massive houses! im talking like you are walking around in Alpine!. they are nice. we made some good contacts and some not so nice ones.
here white people dont like us as much as i thought they would.. i thought they would be like the Polynesians in america.. when they see eachother they are like "sup fam" and are best friends automatically... but here, its like they came to this place to be as far away from their own race as possible. hahaha its kinda funny sometimes.. but then i remember its racist..
ohh well they are nice people too:)
yesterday i taught the lesson and it was great, lets just say the spirit overcame me and something flew in my eye.. it was good:)
d&c 19: 16-18 is awesome! read it. then read it again. and again.
so today we went on an african safari and saw Rhinos and elephants!! it was sick!! pics to come dont you worry.
thanks for the few that emailed me this week! and i hope everyone has an amazing week to come!!
Happy early Birthday to my Brother Patrick!!
happy Early Birthday to Brittney!!
Elder Fuchs